Friday, 12 December 2014

Interesting facts : Top 4 ways more sex can help your career

Your sex life has a great impact on your work positively or negatively — attitude, productivity, satisfaction, etc. and the benefits spill to your career.Sex for many people is just for procreation while it is just for physical pleasure to others.While both categories are right, many people are not aware of the far-reaching effects of that simple coital connection between two people (and masturbation too).
Sex can give you rewards beyond the tsunamic-ogasms and the feeling of satisfaction that comes with a good round of sweating, tumbling and bed sheet rumpling.Truth is that your sex life has a great impact on your work positively or negatively — attitude, productivity, satisfaction, etc.

Yes, the benefits sex can spill to your career and here are 4 ways this happens:

More sex, more money = A research from the Institute for the Study of Labor people who have sex at least four times a week make more money than their peers with less sexual activity. The simple connection here is that with more sex, you are happier and more relaxed so you are more effective and healthier and this means you do your work better, take better decisions and earn higher income.

2 More sex, less health problems, more work done = Sex has been severally identified as a major stress reduction agent. It has been said that frequent orgasms can increase life expectancy significantly. A sex starved person is usually snappy and ineffective at work.

3 More sex, more confidence. Sex helps you get an extra boost of confidence = Perhaps this is why most womanizers (playboys) are often as successful in business as they are at work. So having sex before heading for a meeting often might not be a bad idea. Have you wondered why older men keep very young ladies as girlfriends? Think again.

4 More sex, more brain power. During sex, Oxytocin is released = Now, oxytocin is an important pain relief and it has been labeled that “love hormone.” Having this natural pain reliever in your body — released via constant sex, can mean less migraine at work and of course more freedom for your brain to do productive thinking.

So next time you think about sex, think of it beyond the bedroom experience. And next time you see a sloppy individual, you might not be wrong to assume he or she is sex starved.
So, get closer with your partner and get your career back on track with sex boost.

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