Long before the Lion – Lizard War’s and Earth is where Mercury is now There was a Planet called Lira in the Leo Constellation. It was a Beautiful planet with a Blue Sun and on that planet were Intelligent Animals . Some Had wings like Butterflies and bodies like Fish others that ruled had Lion type Bodies with Wings like Eagles it was an amazing Planet . It was such a Special place the LoveForce God had been watching and Guiding those beings from the Beginning of Lira . But like everything else in this Universe you must grow and learn as a Race or die out and start over again . You can Destroy a Body and a World but as long as Your Sun stays Intact and Functioning your Soul will survive
The Andromeda Galaxy is a spiral galaxy approximately 2.5 million light-years away in the constellation Andromeda. The image also shows Messier 32 and 110, as well as NGC 206 (a bright star cloud in the Andromeda Galaxy) and the star Nu Andromedae. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am Assuming the LoveForce God came here from another Galaxy probably the Andromeda Galaxy . since Andromeda is closest to our own Milky Way Galaxy. From Here on Lets call the LoveForce God -Goddess Andromeda.
So after a few Thousand Years of Goddess Andromeda’s Love and Guidance she took a liking to one of the Winged Lions or Griffins that went by the name Leo. Leo seemed to stand out above the rest of the Lirion’s He was much more Intelligent and Braver then the rest. There was one big problem for the Goddess Andromeda she was much larger the Leo there is no way they could ever be together as they were I don’t know what she looked like or how big she was but she she knew the secret of life.
All she had to do was spread her D.N.A. in to the Lirion population and since she couldn’t mate with them but she could eat them and so she did but that is only half the process then The Goddess Andromeda had to die and be eaten by the Lirion’s and that is exactly what happened next .The Lirion Lions being upset that their Goddess started to eat their own came up with a plan to kill and Eat the Goddess Andromeda they thought that by eating her, their own powers would be enhanced and in a way they were.but not in the way they thought.
But before Andromeda could be reincarnated as a Lirion she had to do a Tour as a Sun God. From what I have been able to induce that a tour as a Sun God last’s about 2000 Years. It seems like a long time but when your a light being managing Souls in the Sun and Deciding Who gets reincarnated and when. and for thee grand purpose. time just flies by . I don’t know how long Lirion’s lived maybe a 100 years or maybe a 1000 years like Enoch or Ezekiel . But being a Sun God has it’s advantages Andromeda was able to incarnate as Leo’s little girl next door or tree whatever they lived in. Leo and Andromeda finally were able to grow up together and marry and have children of their own.
When Andromeda arrived she brought Space Travel Technology with her and when she died the Lirion’s Inherited it and improved it then adapted it for their own bodies so when Leo and Andromeda became adults they were able to buy a space Shuttle of their own and venture in to deep space and traveled to the nearest Constellation’s they traveled to Orion first and made friendship with King Orion where they forged an Alliance with King Orion to travel to the nearest 10 other constellation’s We now know they as the 12 Zodiacs .

As they traveled from one Zodiac to the other, forging Alliances with the other Zodiac King’s their Ship grew larger after every stop. They made it modular so each of the Kings and Queens could just plug in their own ships to the main ship because each Life-formneeded their own Light and Air and Gravity, it all depends on the color of their own Sun and the Size of their planet.
The Zodiac Rulers first goal was to find a Large source of Gold, One of purpose’s for the Gold is for Shielding their Sun Ship from all the different types of Solar Radiation and for Electronics. One of the other purposes is to refine the Gold down to a white Powder that extends life . After All the Zodiac Rulers combined all their Technologies in to all of their ships the Sun-Ship became the most powerful vessel in the Known Universe. Every being in the Galaxy feared and Respected the wishes and Laws the Zodiac Kings and Queens .
After combining all of their knowledge the Zodiac Rulers could now create a Sun and control the Color and temperature of that Sun. They even discovered how to create Gold, now pay attention here this is good.Aftercreating a Sun they drag in a small planetoid and cover it with a thick coat of Mercury and place in as close as they can to their newly created Sun and let it cook for a couple of thousand years, then they return and push the planetoid back from the sun using a combination of a Comet and a Solar Flare to where Venus is now then inject a bunch of methane and add a Moon to increase the pressure on the planet to about 900 psi and squeeze the planet for a couple thousand more years then finally move the planet about where our earth is now so they can start mining it for Gold.
Now the Zodiac Rulers thought all was well in the Galaxy so they went somewhere far off in the Galaxy to explore and create because that is now what they do the only problem is when they travel through space, time is different one day for them is a 1000 years on the planet they left so when they take off for a week 7 thousand years go’s by and that is when the Lion -Lizard wars took place between Lira and Draconia that destroyed 3 Planets and 1.5 Billion Lives.
So when King Leo and the other Rulers came back and found out what happened they realized that the Reptilians envied the Power and Strength of the Lirion’s they decided to start this little experiment on this new Planet they were about to start mining called earth as you know if you read my other work Marduk was also destroyed during the Lion Lizard Wars Luckily Marduk had already been mined out for Gold and were finishing up Mining Mars when all hell broke loose.
Earth was a real freak show of life back then

Ancient Love Ritual
Take a really good look at this picture above this is taken from a Sumerian tablet these people knew how to party. I think this is a picture of the Children of the Zodiac rulers procreating here on earth Some evolved up while others evolved Downward and in the middle we shall meet.this is where the Giant Humans came from . The biggest problem with being a Giant is you need to eat a lot of Meat which usually ends in Cannibalism when food gets short that’s why the Jews had to Kill all the Giants in Israel what the Jews didn’t know is those Giants came back as there own human children lol life is on the wheel what comes around goes around.
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